Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Power-Up People!

I got my wheelchair 2 years ago.
At the time, it meant freedom for me...freedom to move about the country! Well, at least the mall, restaurants, theatres and the grocery store.

That would be my manual wheelchair. Those are the ones you have to propel yourself. They have the big wheels with push rims...Lord help me! I can't do that anymore... In fact it's been difficult for me  for awhile now. Because of that, I've needed to be pushed, and that means always having to be escorted when I leave home. Yeah, that doesn't work for me. Plus, it's tough to carry on a conversation when the person you're talking to is behind you!
This one is almost identical to my manual chair.

A few weeks ago, I got my power chairs. Yes, plural. I got 2 of them...scooters to be for the house and one for my van. You see, constantly transporting a chair back and forth was, well, inconvenient...and difficult for me. I struggle with those kinds of tasks. I'm thankful to be able to have two chairs. They're just alike. One stays put in my van, the other stays home.
But I digress..
Some people have power chairs like this one.

But I have these..MyNew Scooters. See the difference?

The point is, in just 2 years time, I went from needing a manual wheelchair to use in public, to needing a power chair to get around in public and at home! Wow. I'm shaking my head. I couldn't have imagined.

Four years ago, I was diagnosed with muscle disease and just a few months after that I bought a walker-rollator. You know, one of those walkers the old people use with a seat on it so you can sit whenever you need to.. That was a surreal moment. At first, I didn't like joining the ranks of the elderly, using 'their' equipment when I wasn't one of them-yet. But having the right tools in life makes things so much easier, doesn't it? Even if you have to swallow some major pride to do it.

I noticed that I'm moving at a pretty fast clip down a weakening path, here, while fighting hard to maintain my independence. Hence, the equipment. Trust me, you'll do whatever is necessary to to get out and live your life.
You adjust.
And you adjust again,
and then again...

I'm not sure when I'll be done adjusting.

This particular adjustment (the power scooters) include ramps for my house and a lift for my van--a very cool contraption. All I do is push a button on my handy remote control and the lift moves into action lowering my scooter out of the back of my minivan! I drive away like a champ, weaving in and out of foot traffic like I'm competing in a real-life video game! (You knew I'd turn it into a competition!!)

I should've done this months ago. It's fun to go out again. When I see people struggling on their walkers or in their manual wheelchairs, I think to myself, 'Why?'

But that was me! I would try opening doors while laboring to propel myself through the entrance of a building. So frustrating. Now, I grab the door handle, put my chair in reverse and let my scooter do the work!! Yeehaawww!! (I'm quoting my friend Randy McNeil!)

So why not scooter?
It can be expensive, although my scooter costs significantly less than my manual wheelchair. For some, it's a matter of pride, really. Yes, believe it or not, there are degrees of  'cool' in the disabled world. (Oh the stuff I've learned!)

Power wheelchairs are not as cool as manual ones, you see. There are fewer opportunities to compete
in sports in a power chair and you can't do all those crazy tricks. There are no extreme sports
competitions. You're just not as bad a**.

...and scooters!?

Well forget it. Not cool at all. Zero. Zip. Nada. Nothing cool about my scooter.
So whatever my coolness factor was, has ceased to be.
Trust me, I'm not worried. I love it! I love everything about it! It's quick, it's easy, it's nimble, it goes everywhere..and it makes my hair fly back when I go fast!!

Yep, I'll be laughing and having a blast as I fly past you on my scooter!

Peace, love and joy my friends xx

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