Sunday, September 27, 2015

But Do You Know Him?

I'm a Christian.

You've heard that before...from me, from others, from lots of people, in lots of different camps; some religious, some political, others touting social causes. We claim Christianity...and while it may not be as popular as it used to be, you still hear it...everyone from Obama to the Pope claim to be 'Christians.'

I wonder.

What do we know of being a Christian today? Is it a family tradition? Is it a political thing that the Conservatives think they own and Democrats boo? Is it a good deeds club? A feeling we follow? A series of prayers we pray to keep us out of hell? A couple of prayers we pray to keep us out of hell? A single prayer we pray to keep us out of hell?

Listen, I'm having a Muscular Dystrophy day. I've mostly been sleeping since I woke up in pain this morning around 5:00, so writing this was the last thing I expected today. Quite honestly, writing this was not exactly what I had in mind...

But as I lay here, falling asleep a little while ago, praying, I knew the Spirit was impressing upon me to write this. So I asked God if I could do it after I slept, then I asked for the strength to do it when I woke up. This whole article is being written in Supernatural power and energy. Not mine. Just saying.

Knowing and following Christ, i.e., Christianity, is none of the above.
But what is it?

It's not a 'sinners prayer.' (Not a real thing)  It's not an altar call. (Also not real) It's not a series of catechisms or baptisms or any other isms either. It's not classes or lessons or donations or memberships or traditions or social soirées either. Neither is it about Bible study or our so-called knowledge, and how smart we think we are. May God forbid.

Let me begin in the Old Testament because if you don't know it, you've missed it all.
That is where God introduces Himself.
We get to see Him. (You should pause here and run to read it because you want to know the real God)
His Holiness.
His majesty.
His creativity.
His power.
His immeasurable knowledge and wisdom.
His love.
His judgment.
His wrath.
His intolerance for sin.
His truth.
His Justice.
His compassion.
His sovereignty.
His plan.
His salvation.
His anger.
His patience.
His joy.
His peace.
His love for His people.
His love for His Son.

His attributes are infinite.
I cannot begin to do Him justice...

A lot of the OT points to the advent of the Anointed One. The Christ. Messiah. God's Only Son. We know that the Apostle Paul taught "from morning until evening convincing them about Jesus using the Law of Moses and the Prophets!" (Sounds like he taught them from the OT to me!)
Of course he did.
So did Jesus. It was all the Bible they had!!

Can you just imagine teaching the crowds about Messiah from the ancient text, which is so perfectly written, that you can then point to yourself and say, "Here I am folks!!?
I love that!

The apostle John wrote this:
"This is eternal life:  that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent."
John 17:3

Boom! There it is! Know--that's our word.

Knowing about Him makes you a historian.

Knowing Him makes you a Christian.

What about you? Maybe you pray. You know John 3:16 and sing in the choir. You go to church, pass
out tracts, call yourself a Christian and vote Republican. You were baptized as a baby. And confirmed.
Hang on.

Jesus said this, "Not everyone who calls out to Me,  'Lord, Lord,' will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, for only those who actually do the will of My Father will enter."

Why? Why did He say such a thing?

Because of the very next thing He says, "I never knew you. Get away from Me, you sinners." Matt. 7:21-23
It should be.

So, what is He looking for? What does it take to know Him?


"If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised Him from
the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart, one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved." Romans 10: 9-10

Ooooo. That word, heart. God loves that word. He uses it a lot. He calls us to Himself. (John 6:44) He saves us. He begins to work within us, in our hearts and minds.

So, you see, being "saved" is Godspeak for the beginning of knowing God. You cannot know Him unless you are saved. Period.
Yeah, that's a real thing.
The real thing.
The only thing that matters.

My friends, don't be confused by the things that aren't real. The Bible tells us what's real and what isn't. Read it and learn.

Either you know that you know Him or you don't.
"His Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God's children." And, "The Spirit of God is His guarantee that He will give us the inheritance He promised.."

As always, I strive to keep it real, as God grants me grace.

Peace my friends xx

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