Thursday, June 8, 2017

Father's Day: What's the big deal?

Dear Christian,

Why Father's Day?

I mean, what's the big deal?

Why do we bother to set aside a day to honor our dads?

Our nation first celebrated Father's Day in 1910, but it was not made a national holiday until 1972. The practice of honoring fathers has been around a long time and even in the United States, many groups set aside a day for dads long before the 20th Century.

"Children, obey your parents in the LORD, for this is right.  'Honor your father and mother'--which is the first commandment with a promise---'so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on earth.' Fathers, do not exasperate (anger, provoke, frustrate, humiliate) your children, instead bring them up in the training and instruction (that is the patient nurturing, teaching and discipline) of the LORD."
Ephesians 6:1-4

The apostle Paul thought this commandment was so important, he repeated it to the church at Ephesus.
They had gone astray.
Paul had to bring them back to the basics of the commandments and Godly living.  They had wandered off course, you see. We all, as the body of believers, must be brought back to the basic tenets of the faith from time to time.
Families are cherished by the LORD, are essential to His church and to the survival of mankind.

Paul went on to give the same command to the church in Colosse. Yes, the Colossians required some church discipline also! You see, both of these churches were being deceived by people in their pulpits.
So he reminds them,

"Children, honor your parents in everything, for this pleases the LORD."
Colossians 3:20

Why Paul?
First of all, God commands it! So, we need to obey. God is orderly. He has built structure into His church, and into families--with good reason.
Second, our parents are the very people God has used to bring us into this world in order that we might fulfill His purpose and plan for our lives. We would not be here now, as witnesses of Christ, if not for our parents. Do we need anymore reason to honor dad than this?
I don't think so.

But how do we accomplish this?
People aren't big on honoring anyone anymore. The world honors the ungodly while scoffing at anything Godly, so what does it even look like to honor your father?
Should we have a formal ceremony, and place a crown on his head? Um, no. I mean, you could, if you wanted to...and your kids would get a kick out of it, so go for it!

But I digress.
I do think there are a million different ways to honor our dads, though. There are probably as many unique ways to do this, as there are unique dads out there! I'm sure you can think of some pretty creative stuff--more ways than I've listed here, but this is just to get you started. Ok?

-value him
-if he loves a gift, buy him something
-if he prefers an experience, take him fishing or to a museum or to get his car washed, but
-spend time with him--what does he like to do? Do that
-show deference to him--do it his way whenever you're together
-go out for breakfast or lunch once a month
-listen to him
-thank him
-speak respectfully to him and don't raise your voice (unless he has hearing loss like my dad)
-model for your own children how you want to be treated by them as you age
-find ways to bring him joy as well as ways to enjoy him
-respect his age and limitations
-look out for his safety, especially as he ages
-if necessary, provide for him, as you are able

I hope all of you had amazing times with your dad growing up with lots of fun memories, but I know some of you had less than ideal upbringings...perhaps even brutal childhoods. I understand the nature and character of the ungodly and I grieve for you.
The LORD grieves for you..

but consider this.

You can be proactive in overcoming what has been done to you. Everything we go through in this life can be used to weave together a beautiful tapestry of the person called 'you,'

 ...if you're willing to work with God in this.

1-Begin by forgiving your dad.

2-Simultaneously, commit to praying for him.

3-Model godly behavior for him and for those in your family.

4-Exercise restraint with him. Limit your time if you need to and while together, practice self-control.

5-Cry when you need to--taking every tear and heartbreak to the LORD.

6-Seek a good, godly counselor if you're stuck.

Repeat as necessary. Persevere in this.

And this June 18th, I hope you'll make honoring your dad a priority..

 If he is no longer with you, offer up a prayer of thanks for him and let the LORD know you've forgiven your dad if you need to. This way, you'll be freeing yourself from the bondage of unforgiveness, allowing the Holy Spirit to renew to you the joy of your salvation.

God Bless you and may God Bless our fathers.

Peace xx
