Friday, February 14, 2014

That Padlock Might Be Telling You Something

                                             Missing this?  Read on:

Recently I was discussing marriage with one of my best girlfriends when the subject of sexual intimacy came up. Our conversation grew a little timid since we aren't that used to going 'there.' But finally we got over our shyness and she blurted out, "There's a reason I keep it padlocked!" We both busted up laughing!!

She went on to explain that when they argue, her husband could say some pretty venomous stuff to her. Apparently nothing was off limits, including personal attacks, which cut into her deeply. Whoa!! Out-of-bounds. Illegal formation. Foul ball. Red card. Off-sides. Double-fault AND Face-plant with yard sale.......You are now DQ'd.

(I can hear the sharp click of that padlock being closed even now, ladies) We went on to talk about partners who use sex as a weapon against each other, you know, as punishment for bad behavior. It sounds terrible as an intentional practice, (and it IS a terrible idea) but what if it's simply the natural outcome of things because of lousy treatment by the other partner?! Logic would suggest that if a person, and I'm suggesting it's a woman this time, is treated with disrespect by her man, then her sexual desire for him will be....ZERO. Yes, zero!

So, what do I mean by disrespect? Any behavior that is degrading or belittles her or is unwanted by her is, sexual abuse, bullying, hitting, kicking, slapping, yelling, shoving and abandonment are obvious examples. But what about oppression? What about demanding to be 'right' all the time, with the underlying message that she is stupid? That's abusive. How about the silent treatment? That's oppression too. It's an attempt to control and manipulate her into doing whatever it is, YOUR way. See what I'm getting at here?

Now, I'm not sure there's a whole lot that can 'undo' this type of damage if it goes on for very long, so you might want to rein it in if you're guilty of this nonsense. And the next time you're wondering why your wife (and I'm using females because this is how we're wired) is padlocked-up, ask yourself how you've been treating her when you aren't in the bedroom! Because that is where sexual intimacy begins dear man, that is where it begins.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Why do I do it?

Kristin and me leading the way at the MDA Muscle Walk!

"You don't really HAVE to be here, you know."

"Isn't it hard enough to get around when you HAVE to be somewhere, I mean, why do more than you HAVE to?"

"I don't think I'd bother, unless I HAD to, if I were in your situation." (My personal favorite because NO ONE knows what they'd actually do if they were in someone else's situation!)

I purse my lips into a half-smile and kind of squint my eyes, when I hear remarks like these from people about volunteering. The entire answer about 'Why?' takes way too long to explain. There are years of life and illness, pain and joy, woven into the answer. So from now on, I will give the short answer by whipping out my phone and showing this picture from the MDA Muscle Walk, which took place here on February 9. I think it's self-explanatory.

(Technically it should say "I roll for..." daughter, Kristin, who has also been diagnosed with hkpp, just so you know) She is more than motivation and all the reason I will ever need to give whatever effort I have into helping the MDA.

What does hkpp stand for?? Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis. I know. You've never heard of it. It causes episodes of,  you guessed it....periodic muscular paralysis! Good guess.

To learn about hkpp, go to:

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."