Saturday, May 2, 2015

It's Complicated

It began like many love affairs today...
...on the Internet.

We hadn't met face to face yet, but there was something different about him for sure.

His dark eyes were full of promise. That shock of unkempt white hair gave me the idea he'd be a lot of fun at a party! (Can you say Jimmy Page?) What was that expression I saw in his eyes anyway? It looked a lot like love...all soft and sweet, yet still masculine. And knowing. Yes, that was it. He was smart.
I felt an instant connection. I was smitten! And we hadn't even met...

I just knew he was the one for me so I nervously dialed the phone number on the website. "Hello?" She sounded nice.
"Oh hi! I said.
"My name is Ann and I've fallen in love with one of your puppies...I want him if he's still available." I crossed my fingers. He was! She told me all about him and we made arrangements to fly him to South Florida. Then I gave her my credit card information and we were done. That cute boy was all mine!

What had I just done!
I mean, I've had dogs before, most of my life in fact, but they've either been rescued or simply shown up at the door! Oh wait. There was that precious little Brittany my girlfriend gave me in college. But I've certainly never ordered one over the Internet before!

I barely slept the entire next week waiting for him to arrive. I was a wreck!

He came in on a Delta flight, late on a Thursday evening, because like everyone else in the world, his flight was delayed in Atlanta due to bad weather.

And that little fluff ball has turned my heart upside-down!

I had been on a waiting list for a service dog, but I asked them to take me off. I really wanted and felt I'd benefit from having a service dog, but I knew many of the dogs were going to our heroes coming home from war. I just didn't feel anything or anyone's situation compared to theirs.
Especially mine.

More than anything, I kept longing for a full-time companion.

Jimmy is that, of course, but in the past year, he's become a lot more. You might say 'it's complicated!' We get each other. I say something and he looks into my eyes, tail wagging his body.
I'm sure you know. You've had similar relationships with your own dogs or cats.

The Coton de Tulear is supposed to be very smart and trainable and Jimmy certainly lives up to the breed standard. I purposely went looking for a Coton for those reasons. (Not to brag or anything, but he uses a box to do his 'business,' so I don't have to wheel outside for potty breaks) Smart. Very smart.

So, when I realized his IQ was greater than mine, I knew there was a chance we could become a team. Could he possibly turn out to be my service dog after all? If I patiently applied everything I've learned about dog training, maybe he could help me with the rest!
(Recently I discovered that the Coton is catching on as a service dog favorite)

Anyway, I did some homework and began with the basics. No surprise, he caught on very quickly.
Sit. Stay. Speak.
Then I incorporated hand signals. It took him 30 seconds to get that. (With the help of some people food!) So now I only have to use my hands to communicate with Wonder Dog!!

How will he help me most?
He's an alert dog. He'll bark if I give him the hand signal to do so, even if I'm unable to sit up or look at him. This way, if I have an episode of Periodic Paralysis, and can't speak up, he can do it for me. All I need is for him to let people around us know that I need help. And he can do that!

Today, I knew we were ready for our debut.
I brushed his thick, cottony hair so he'd look his best. I slipped his special 'Service Dog' harness on him and attached his leash. He looked so handsome! Then I told him we were going bye-bye.

I had wanted to get some writing done this morning, so we headed to my nearest 'office'--the Starbucks that is exactly one mile from home.
On the way, I explained to him what was about to happen. I used the commands just to remind his little heart and mind of them, so he'd know what to expect. I knew he'd understand.

We went in and immediately I introduced him to the baristas, who were all smiles when they saw us! They hit it off! Whew!
I explained what I was going to be doing and why Jimmy was with me. They loved it! I assured them he would not bark unless I gave him the hand signal to do so. I wish you could have seen their faces!
And he has been true to my word. (So far)

So here I am, comfortably seated at my 'office,' writing to you, with him sitting obediently at my feet!
Every so often, I'll give him a hand signal to make sure he's on his toes, um I mean paws.
He is.

Pinch me. When I saw that devilishly handsome face for the first time on the Internet, I had no idea we'd be here... My soulmate. My companion. My BFF.
Once again, tears well up in my eyes...
I'm overwhelmed. God is so good to me.

"The Lord has done great things for me and I am filled with joy"
As always...peace my friends xx

Monday, April 27, 2015



I was a little girl
Alone in my little world
Who dreamed of a little home for me.
I played pretend between the trees,
And fed my houseguests bark and leaves,
And laughed in my pretty bed of green.

I had a dream
That I could fly
From the highest swing.
I had a dream.

Long walks in the dark
Through woods grown behind the park,
I asked God who I'm supposed to be.
The stars smiled down on me,
God answered in silent reverie.
I said a prayer and fell asleep.

I had a dream

Do you know this song? It's beautiful. And aren't dreams the stuff of life? I mean, what would we be without our dreams?

I'm going to share a really personal story with you. You may not know what to think of it, but I assure you, every word is true...

When I was a girl, I had this recurring dream. And it actually went something like the above song...especially the first verse.

I was on a swing set, swinging really high! I worked hard to get myself going as fast and high as possible. At the point where I thought I couldn't get any higher up, I let go of the chains I was holding onto...

And I would go soaring up into the sky!! Flying away, high above my swing set, then my house and
through the neighborhood! Higher and higher...!  It was awesome!
It was beyond awesome!

I looked down and saw my siblings running and squealing as they played tag in the front yard with
our friends! My dog was in the backyard leaping and barking at squirrels! And there's my mom's hydrangea bushes! Out further was a sea of houses, that went on and on...and beyond it all were the trees, hills, clouds and sun...the entire world lie just beyond my little neighborhood.

I was completely enchanted.
I wanted to keep gliding effortlessly through the clouds and explore everything as far as I could see. I wanted to see the ocean. I wondered where the mountains were. It seemed so real to me.

My whole life was out there, waiting for me to arrive. I wanted to stay in my dream.
I never wanted to wake up.
But when I did...
...My heart sank.
'Shoot,' I thought. 'It was only a dream...' I better get up and get ready for school...

The next time I had the dream, not only was I delighted, I was surprised!

But the real shocker is that the dream continued throughout my childhood. When I least expected it, here it came! I was young and didn't even realize how unusual this was. I would fall asleep hoping to dream of flying out of my swing!

...Fast forward to 2013

I'm listening to a random Internet radio station when I hear this song...its' sound is a bit haunting, yet sweet. It's lyric is strangely familiar.
I turned up the volume.
"I had a dream...I could fly, from the highest swing...I had a dream..." the beautiful voice was singing.
What?!? Really?
"You're singing my dream!" I said out loud. Something hit my heart. Tears began to fall. I started thinking about my childhood dream.

The voice in the song belongs to the gorgeous Priscilla Ahn and her song is called, appropriately enough, "Dream."

And it could be my song. It is my song! I could've written it! (If only I were that talented!)
It blew me away!
Please listen and watch:

Priscilla Ahn, Dream

Now, I don't believe in the 'magical powers'  or significance of dreams for the most part. I'm not sure  God speaks to us in our dreams anymore.

But I also don't believe in coincidences.

I know that every encounter, everything that happens in my life is not by chance. It's by design. And this is just too crazy not to be on purpose.
This song is a gift straight to my heart. And I know Who the Giver is.

It reminded me to dream at a time when I had lost my ability to dream.
I couldn't dream.
I clung to this song for awhile whenever I needed it. I felt it's comfort. I let it's power do a work in me because I realized it was God who sent me this song as a reminder. I knew He saw me when I was small and He sees me now. He sent this song to my attention to let me know His Presence is always with me, even in my dreams during my sleep. He knows the most intimate details. And His timing was remarkable...

I may not play pretend anymore, or "feed my house guests bark and leaves..."
(Well, they may argue that point!)
I still have dreams. New dreams.
I still want to fly.
And I'm still asking God who I'm supposed to be.
Dreams are good. They mean we have hope.
They give us a reason to get out of bed everyday.
Dream on my friends.