Monday, July 27, 2015

Constant Companions


Our room is darkened today because I have the blinds pulled. It's very quiet in the house except for the sound of cool air running through the vents. I can hear a lawn mower running in the distance. Today, I'm recovering from a pretty serious episode of paralysis. I'm in bed, but thankfully I'm not alone.
Two of my favorite companions are tucked in with me, Bill and Jimmy. These guys never leave my side, regardless of what's happening. Whatever my emotions, they know. Whenever I'm sick, they know. If I'm weaker than usual, they know. If I make a sound that is out of the ordinary, they know...and they're here.

Bill is curled up against my right leg and Jim is curled up next to Bill. They're pretty much best friends, which thrills me, because Bill is my gorgeous kitten and Jimmy is my very handsome puppy. And it could've gone either way, if you know what I mean! There is another guy named Ted, too, but he's a bit more independent today. He decided to stretch out on a stool in my closet a few feet away. Close by, but not on the bed. He's Bill's twin from the same litter of kittens. They're some fancy breed of cat that I was able to rescue from the Broward shelter here in South Florida. Stunning boys. I'm smitten with them. Perhaps Ted will join us later.

See what I mean? Stunning.

Ted jumped into the dryer. Good thing I looked before I turned it on!

JimmyPage, my Coton puppy

I hope I'm painting a sweet picture of peace and contentment.That's one of the things my boys help to provide for me. They're a big part of my emotional health and well-being. 

So, once again I find myself giving thanks to my God for the gifts He has given me. These little creatures who live with me are adorable, but they're more than that. They're a blessing. Their personalities were meant to mesh perfectly with each other as well as with me! An accident? Hardly. He knew that when He sent them to live with me. Do you believe that? As a child of God and a praying woman, I know that nothing happens coincidentally. Nothing. Not even my pets. 

I look at these little blessings as extensions of my human children, part of our family, that I have been charged to look after with love and respect. It's an honor. No furry child in my home is ever disrespected or spoken to out of anger... Just like I tried to do with my human children. (A goal I didn't achieve perfectly) 

In the Bible, we are taught that the righteous are kind to their animals. We are to have regard for the
critters given to us and to be concerned for their welfare. Sadly, this isn't always the case, is it? Not only among Christians, but generally speaking. As good stewards of the earth, though, we're supposed to put the welfare of animals high on the list of priorities. I hope you see it that way too. 

My daughters will tell you that I refer to my 'boys' as "little bundles of joy that Jesus wrapped in fluff and sent downt to my arms." Too much? Yeah, I get that. Sorry. 
Ted and Jimmy hanging out together 

But what they give to me is priceless...and since I know that all things were created through Him, (like Jimmy, Bill and Ted!) then I must give Him the glory and take seriously the gifts He bestows on me. I am grateful. 
In fact, the Bible also says that "Every good gift and every perfect gift given to us came from Him..!" My boys are certainly that! So, how can I not be thankful!?

He creates. I pray. He hears. I wait. He answers. 
And before I know it, my life, my heart (and my bed!) are alive with the love and comfort that these little fluffies bring, adding a whole other dimension to my world.

Peace, love and joy my friends xx

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