Friday, June 12, 2015

Oops I Did It Again

Not long ago it happened again. (2 months, 5 days and 14 hours)

Yes, these types of things stay with a girl.

I fell down.
Yep. I fell hard and fast in a really awkward way in a very public place...Mizner Park. Ever heard of it? Yeah. It's a beautiful spot here in Boca...

That's the Starbucks where I fell...on the corner. Isn't it a gorgeous spot?

Did I ever tell you that I'm blessed to live in a really special place?   I am.

Boca Raton could probably be classified as a fancy city. I mean there are lots of wealthy people here for sure, with awesome dining, shopping, homes and boats!
But, what I love, and why I live here is so much more than all that.
And now I've digressed...
As I do.

So, on this particular morning, I dressed for the 'office' and drove to this Starbucks, which is one of my favorite places to write. I have other 'offices.' I rotate locations throughout the week.

Only I failed to bring my chair again.
'You're having a pretty strong morning, girlfriend,'  I told myself. 'Go on with the walker! You'll be fine.'
Except I wasn't.

That stupid bump in the pavers!
I never saw it until I was face-down, booty-up, draped over my upside-down walker, gasping for breath! Oh my gosh! I sound like a Pitbull song! Lol!
(So thankful I wasn't wearing a dress!)

''There's no way you're getting up from here girlfriend..' I thought to myself.
And I was right.

I raised my head up enough to see a group of well-dressed business men standing off to my right. They glanced over and stepped behind a wide pillar, out of view. 'Great!' I said aloud and then I cursed them under my breath. No, I didn't pray for them! (Sorry, Lord)

"Are you hurt, ma'am?"

I swung my head to the left!

Then I nodded.

Apparently, I hadn't seen the police officer coming from the other side! I let out the long breath I had
been holding.
Then the tears flowed.
I couldn't help it, people. I wanted to be strong, but...but I always keep it real with you and I wasn't laughing this time.

He knelt to the ground and wrapped his arms around my trunk.
We stood up together.

He helped me to the nearest bench and I sat down to collect myself. I was shaking, embarrassed, and sad.
He picked up my walker, looked at my bruised shin and kept asking if I was ok.

I was thankful he stayed with me until I had calmed down.
Sometimes we just need that, don't we?
And I can't help noticing that God always provides those people when I need them. Thank You Lord.
Peace friends xx

"Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."

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