Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Merry Christmas

"Is that him?"

The man in the big coat, wrapped in multiple scarves, was barely visible to us in the upstairs window, but we knew him well. My sister and I strained our eyes through the blinding snowstorm for a better view of the street below us. Noses pressed to the glass, our breath kept fogging up our efforts. A single, dimly lit street light struggled to give us a better picture of what was happening. We wiped the fog off the window with our pajama sleeves. Grandma stood over us, praying for the safety of everyone out in the storm.

He was hunched over, shoveling ashes out of a bucket and onto the snow-covered street around all 4 tires of the stranded driver. It's not like Hillside Drive is a major thoroughfare. It isn't. But it did have this one tricky slope where, given the right amount of snowfall, it was impossible for his 'neighbors' cars to climb. This was not his first trek across the snow-drifted property to rescue a motorist. There were even times when multiple drivers would be adrift on the perilous section of road just outside his home.

My grandpa saved ashes from his fireplace and from burning his leaves in the autumn. He actually put them in a special bin for just this occasion. Winters in Indianapolis could be brutal. He knew he'd be needing them every season about this time. He said ashes gave better traction than salt and worked a lot faster.

It wasn't his street, of course, but these were his 'neighbors.' No, they didn't all live next door to him or even necessarily close-by. They were the neighbors Jesus spoke of in the Parable of the Good
Samaritan. (See Luke 10)
And, yes. He could have been inside with us, warm and safe, watching this poor guy sliding all over the place, wheels spinning uselessly. Instead, he bundled up, got his shovel and bucket and went out to help. That was his way. In everything.

It was almost Christmas. Usually my siblings and I were at home driving my mother crazy, but this year was different. For some reason, we were all at grandma and grandpa's house, driving them crazy! Summers were normally the season we spent in Indy with our grandparents, so this change was really a treat. We built a sled run in their expansive yard, crafted snowmen, complete with hats, scarves and carrot noses. They didn't keep coal around, so we used clusters of raisins for eyes. Then we rang in the New Year banging on pots and pans.

But what was truly memorable was them. As usual, it's the people who make or break a situation. For as Proverbs reminds us, "It's better to live alone in the corner of an attic than with a quarrelsome wife  (or a quarrelsome anybody!) in a lovely home!" Their home was far from quarrelsome. They were not perfect, but they were patient, and kind and quick to apologize. They forgave each other always, while keeping short accounts. And, each night I fell asleep listening to them reading the Scriptures to each other.
My heart overflows at the memory.

You see, my grandparents were joyful, joy-filled people, who loved Jesus. They loved me. They loved each other. They loved people, and people loved them back. They taught me the Scriptures,  prayed with me and over me. They lived the Bible. Jesus made a difference in their lives and they honored Him in their home. It was a blessing and a privilege to be with them that Christmas break, just as it was each summer.
Knowing God made all the difference in their lives. They are with Him now. I think of them everyday, looking forward to the time we will be reunited forever.
I'm smiling at the thought.

Merry Christmas my friends. xx
May God Bless You with the Gift of Knowing Him

"Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

Monday, February 29, 2016

Quiet Faith

I couldn't fall asleep last night.

This isn't normal for me and it should've frustrated the daylights out of me, but it didn't. There was some good stuff being processed that I didn't want to shut down.

Conversations of the day, in addition to my evening devotion, were swirling around in my head.. I knew a blog post was being created and I almost got out of bed to start writing. Almost. I also knew my brain was fuzzy... It was late.
(Well, 10 pm is late for me!)

So I lay there, struggling to pray in a 'straight line.' It wasn't happening. Instead, I prayed one disjointed sentence after another, all because of the 'swirl factor.' I'm sure by now God is used to this from me, since it happens fairly often. I'm glad He knows how to make sense of it all.

Speaking of God... Interesting how He works.
That evening devotion I had read came from a Twitter friend who sends me devotions from the book, 'Jesus Calling,' which I love. This one struck me at my core... Really got me where I live...which is usually in bed or on the couch!
You may smile...
I am.

I want to share that brief, yet powerful devotion with you..

Do you see it?
Weak But Mighty! 

Are you as struck by the shear truth of this the way I still am? I hope so. You see, we know that the meaning of life is to know God, and I do. Consequently, the purpose of life is to bring Him glory and... apparently I still do, even though I am not physically able to do any of the things I used to do. You see I struggle with this. It's very difficult to believe such a thing when you aren't up and active, doing 'church things,' volunteering or involved in helping your community.
The thing I had been wrestling with off and on, has finally been laid to rest in my heart and mind.

"Quiet trust makes a powerful statement in spiritual realms." 

Quiet trust...quiet trust. I have that. (I hope you do too)

But I had only been thinking about the earthly realm and not the spiritual realm. What does she mean by the spiritual realm?  I believe she's referring to other believers here on earth, yes. They have the Holy Spirit living in them, as guaranteed by God for all believers. But she's also talking about that unseen world which is all around us according to Scripture. Your quiet faith, and mine, is bearing witness to angels and demons alike. Think of it. Our salvation, our faith in Jesus, is being marveled at by those in the spiritual realms, which we do not see!
The apostle Peter said it this way, "It is all so wonderful that even the angels are eagerly watching these things happen." (1 Peter 1:12)

For more reading about the spiritual realm, try these amazing books!

Fiction based in Scripture, "This Present Darkness," by Frank Peretti:
I couldn't put it down!

Non-Fiction,  "Unseen Realities: Heaven, Hell, Angels and Demons" (Dr. Sproul does a great job explaining the unseen world using Scripture, although he doesn't write much about demons) by R. C. Sproul.

I wonder. Do the angels hold their collective breath when someone hears the Gospel to see how they will respond to the call of Jesus?  Do they cry and drop to their knees in worship when terrible tragedy strikes a child of God who tearfully continues to cling to the LORD in faith, hope and trust?
We already know they rejoice when one sinner repents and trusts Jesus as Savior and LORD. (Luke 15:10)

In the last line of the above devotion, the author, Sarah Young, goes on to paraphrase 2 Corinthians the 12th chapter, "My strength and power show themselves most effective in weakness."

Boom! There it is. The reason I named this blog "Weak But Mighty!"

I just never thought of thanking God for the reason I'm required to 'be still.'
Funny, I know and meditate on that Scripture a lot, "Be still and know that I am God," but never related to it in a new and different way, applying it to my own situation, which is physical disability.
It is already making a difference in the way I pray!

The irony..
(Insert smiley face)

My hope is that we both, you and I, never feel as if we have to do more, if we aren't able to, or if we aren't led by God to do more!

You probably aren't physically challenged, like I am. You may be up to your eyeballs in work, kids, laundry and cooking, though. I get it. I was there once too.

If we simplify and stay with the basics though:
Meaning of life--to know God.
Purpose of life--to bring Him glory.
Quiet faith that is bearing witness...we will be just fine.

I love this passage:

"God saved you by grace when you believed. And you cannot take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we  are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:8

Note the last line. He planned good things for us to do long ago. It's His plan. Not mine. I will continue doing the 'work' of having quiet faith, knowing this is exactly where God has placed me at this time and that "He who began a good work in me will bring it to completion," as He promises! (Philippians 1:6)
Great news for all of us who follow Him!

Love, Joy and Peace, My Friends xx

Jesus said,
"Come to Me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."

Monday, January 25, 2016

Tortoise or Hare?

Did you ever get a new bike or skateboard that you couldn't wait to try out?

Sure. Most of us have.
It was like that for me back in August when I got my scooter. I felt like a kid. The thought of being whisked along, faster than everyone else, my hair blowing in the breeze...gave me butterflies. It had been a long time since I had access to all those horses under the hood when I needed them!

Effortless. That's the word. Suddenly I could move along through the crowds without having to schlepp with a walker or propel myself in my manual wheelchair.

I wasn't disappointed. It felt amazing!!

There was a bit of a learning curve, however, as there is with any new skill. At home, I learned to maneuver around corners into tight spaces and through narrow doorways. Allow me to interpret that for you. I scuffed walls, dinged base boards, and actually took one bi-fold closet door off its hinges..! To say I was apprehensive about leaving home would be an understatement.

One of my very first forays out into this new world was to see my neurologist. My scooter was about a week old at the time. I always consult Dr. B about my equipment decisions. He liked my new ride and was really happy for me, so after my exam he asked me to show him what this scooter could do! I was surprised, but we went out into the waiting room and I started putting my machine through its paces!

I should probably point out that my scooter has a unique way of denoting high and low gears.. You see there's a drawing of tortoise on one side of the gear indicator and a hare at the other end! It's true! Apparently someone decided this would be cuter than the typical  'Low, Medium and High' gears!

I rode back and forth at 'Tortoise' status at first and eventually cranked it up to 'Hare!' I was cruising, turning it on a dime, barely missing a silk tree next to a table. (Those bi-fold doors flashed through my mind!) We both laughed. I zig-zagged across the room to demonstrate its maneuverability. He grinned and nodded.

I was showing off now. That's never good.

For my grand finale, I put my kick-ass scooter in Hare and began to turn it in a circle around his waiting room!! (Yes, I am a moron!)

When I turned over, I was next to a love seat, fortunately, because it gave me a soft landing and kept me from hitting the floor!  I ended up slumped over a seat cushion with my scooter nearly on its' side.

I was laughing.
Dr. B wasn't. The look on his face said he was concerned that I had hurt myself.
"Are you hurt, Ann?"

I was fine, but I learned what NOT to do with my new ride!

Fast forward to yesterday's adventure.

It was a strange morning because I woke up feeling well enough to leave the house. So, I decided to take full advantage of this gift by grabbing a coffee and heading out to the new Hobby Lobby nearby. Don't laugh. One of my doctors says he can tell everything he needs to know about me by asking how often I get out to go shopping!

I was looking for some pottery (a favorite of mine!) and maybe some silk hydrangea for a new floral
arrangement. (I found both)

But something unexpected happened in the process.

I was using one of those small baskets to put my purchases in as I shopped. You know, the ones with the 2 handles.. It was sitting precariously on my lap as I drove myself around the store. Things were calm and controlled as I puttered around the store at a nice tortoise-like speed until I spotted the perfect candle holder off in the distance! I hit the gas and flipped the gear shift! My scooter leaped forward at hare-like speed as my head whipped back!

I got closer to the display and backed off the gas...only nothing happened. Oh my gosh! I was heading full-speed ahead for one of those beautiful display tables! My shopping basket was wedged in the handlebars, pressing on the gas and I couldn't get it free.
Ceramic bowls, pottery pitchers, glass vases, metal frames, wood carvings and my beautiful candle holder all feared for their lives!

I couldn't steer. I couldn't slow down. So naturally I shrieked. (Yes, I was scared!)
Shoppers poked their heads out of surrounding aisles just in time to see me flying by! I am not even kidding you when I say that I got my basket 'un-stuck' no more than 2 inches from that table! My scooter came to rest, the display intact and my basket of treasures unscathed.

It was a miracle. I couldn't believe it. I didn't hit a thing. Thank You God.

I needed a minute. I had to catch my breath. I made it a point not to make eye contact with anyone. It would just be too embarrassing..! I put my ride in Tortoise and slowly made my way to the registers. When I got to the car, I shook my head and laughed...

'Oh Ann! How do you get yourself into these situations?'

Love, Joy and Peace my Friends xx
(and be careful on your scooters!)

Monday, January 4, 2016


Two nights ago I dreamt I could run.

It was a brief dream, but I recall thinking, 'I should tell them I'm not really sick after all. Look at me running! They'll be so surprised!'
I'm not sure where this one came from, but it felt good, even if it was a dream.

You see, I've been struggling lately. Physically, of course. That's to be expected. But emotionally as well.
I'm not going out of the house much these days, or staying awake for that matter... and I hate it. This new pattern has worn me down and stolen some of my joie de vivre
...at least for the moment.

Ok, this is where I vent to you... Ready?
I don't care about seeing my doctors anymore--ever.
I won't be submitting to anymore muscle biopsies.
I swear, I'm never going back to physical therapy and
I won't be sticking my arm out for anymore lab draws.

(When I'm agitated I speak Italian and French apparently!)

I'm over it!

See, I have things to do. My brain is working overtime with all the stuff I still want to try and do, but the rest of me just isn't on-board. It's discouraging. It's disheartening. Sometimes I become fearful that I'll never rally again.

I had to give up my work as a volunteer at the hospital in October. I cried. I miss my friends and co-workers there very much.

The City of Boca Raton stupidly disbanded the Mayor's Council on People with Disabilities at the end of the year, but I was having difficulty making it to our board meetings anyway. That board was important, even if I couldn't serve any longer. This city will miss the work we did.

So here's what I've noticed. My calendar for 2016 has suddenly cleared. No more Tuesdays at the hospital. No more board meetings for the Boca City Council. No Physical Therapy. No paddle board lessons. No gym. No swimming. No walks. No 5k runs.

Over time, I've had to let go of all my activities. Things I thought comprised my life, and yet I'm still here. Alive. There must be something else for me.

"What do You want me to do with this life now, Lord? Show me how I can bring glory to You. And can I maybe have some fun? How do I use my gifts and talents?"

I find myself at yet another crossroads.
Now what?
I've asked this question before.

Please pray for me friends. I need it. I have no clue how I'll be spending 2016 but I really don't want it to be in my house, sleeping it away.
Time to reinvent myself again.

I wish you much love, joy and peace in the new year,
Ann xx