Saturday, April 25, 2015

Do It On Purpose

"Just Do It"

We've all heard that one...probably until we're sick of hearing it...but

I still like it! 
It's brief and to the point...we all know what they're telling us--
'Get off your butt and do something active!' 

But today I want to take the concept a step further by adding one word...intentionally--on-purpose, deliberately, consciously, with intent

'Just Do It Intentionally'

I like that even better.

And I think it should apply to more areas of life, and not only fitness. 
I was reminded of that this week when I found myself with 2 doctors' appointments on the same day. I saw my cardiologist in the morning and I was supposed to see my neurologist in the afternoon, but I had to cancel because I had nothing left...No muscular energy. Nothing in the tank. Not one more step to give.

I don't usually do that--Cancel appointments at the last minute, I mean. So when I called, they were very understanding and a bit concerned. I explained what I had done. We rescheduled.

I was lax with my calendar... Not paying attention. I was not intentional.
Sometime, somewhere a month or so ago, I made an appointment and didn't look to see what I already had going on that day. This comes natural for me. I wasn't born being intentional. I'm more of a free-spirit, know what I mean? I've had to learn...

I know this is only a tiny example of not being intentional with something. There are much more important ones in life that I got to thinking about where it's necessary to be intentional.

As usual, when something hits me that I think is worth sharing, I have to tell you about it. So here are the top 5 things I feel we need to be more intentional about in our lives:

1) Relationships. You knew I was going to say that, didn't you? Anyone familiar with me, knows this ranks first in my book! Spouses must come first I believe. So, be intentional.  Send texts, make phone calls, schedule dates, schedule sex, schedule coffee, schedule whatever it is that's important to you, on purpose. If you want it to happen, chances are it won't if you leave it to chance.

2) Children. Yes, your kids! And technically, this also falls under relationships, but parenting is different. It must also be done with intentionality! Kids don't turn out great by accident. You have one, count 'em, one chance to get it right. Schedule time with that child--alone. I don't care what it is...a meal, ice cream, time at the park, a walk, reading a book, cooking, painting, baking...whatever. But do something together where you can talk and interact. And do it once a week! That kid will be gone before you know it, but he/she will carry those special memories of alone-time with you throughout their lifetime!

"But my kid is a great kid," you say. "She's on the honor roll or takes all AP classes. He/she is a genius who makes all A's!" 

I don't care.

None of that makes your child great! I know a genius who is basically unemployable. He finally got hired at a local gas station as a cashier, but only on a trial basis. 
Because he kept getting fired from his 'real' job as a medical researcher. Absolutely no one could stand to be around him. He couldn't be a team player.

Where is your son or daughter's heart? What is their behavior like? Do they work and play well with others? Or are they selfish brats that no one can tolerate? 

It's up to you, mom and dad. 

Like it or not, your kid is going to be accountable to someone their entire life. We all are. If you're married, it's a spouse. If you're a parent, it's a child. If you're employed, it's a boss. If you own a business, it's your clients and business partners. If you have a significant other, it's them. Get the idea? 

3) Work. This one has morphed a lot for me personally. Maybe it has for you too. When I had to report to an office, things were more regimented, of course. I had to be intentional about when I
arrived, when I ate lunch and when I left for the day. 

But now that I work for myself, remotely, I have complete autonomy. That can be a good thing or it can be a not-so-good thing. I quickly realized that my 'freedom' needed to be reined in as soon as possible! I was not to be trusted!

So I scheduled work days, blocking off times to write on my calendar. Physically, I can only tolerate about 3 hours, so I get up and get dressed on those days, as if I'm going to an office. I grab my computer, my phone and my checklist. Then I head to 1 of 4 Starbucks in my area, where my 'offices' are located! 
I order my tall, nonfat latte, and make myself at home. Then I'm all set to do my research, listen to podcasts (with my headphones), network and write articles! It has become my routine 3 days a week and if I didn't do it, I'd never get anything done. Or at least I'd get very little done. I have to do it on purpose. 

4) Fitness. Yes, you knew I'd eventually get here. What do you expect from an athlete and certified personal trainer? I had to get here...

Let's say you're trying to shed a few pounds and you need to start an exercise program. 

I know you don't have time. I know you've tried everything. I know you hate to exercise. I know you eat all the right things. I know you've tried the South Beach Diet, the Adkins Diet and the Wheat-free diet. 
I know. I know. I know...

I've heard it ALL. Many times.

So let's get real. This is math, ok? It's not emotion.  
It's math. 
You use more calories than you take in. Period. That's it. 

Use more calories than you take in, on a daily basis, everyday, consistently, for a week, then a month, then 3 months and then for 6 months...then a year! 
And voilà! You've done it! 

But you have to do it on purpose. You can't guess your way through it. 
It's not nebulous. You can't say, "I wonder if I'm eating too much today," or "I know I'm making good food choices. I sure hope I lose some weight." Or, I hope I get some exercise in today!" 

Get an app and start counting every bite you put in your mouth including gum, mints and drinks! On purpose! Then, find a cardio activity you enjoy (walking, biking, running, roller blading). Schedule that activity and do it on purpose! Then you may subtract the calories you've burned during exercise! And if you need help, contact me on Twitter at @Doodisgirl 
I'd be happy to help you! 

5) Faith. Yes, I'm a Christian, so for me, this one is actually at the top of my list. It goes first, in the relationship category because my relationship with God, through Christ, is first and foremost in my life. It is above all else because He is above all else. Jesus Christ has given me my identity in this life. 
Bible study, prayer, worship and witnessing to others are like exercise for my spiritual being.  Without them, I wither and fade. With them, I live and thrive. So I strive to practice them, on purpose, so I remain strong in my faith. 

I've learned something really important along the way...When I am spiritually strong, the rest of me is  also strong! "Those that wait on the the Lord, will renew their strength. We will mount up with wings like eagles. We will run and not grow weary. We will walk and not faint." 

"Do It On Purpose"

I hope you will my friends. 
I wish you the peace that comes from living life with intentionality. I have a feeling we will look back one day, and have fewer regrets than otherwise...

xx God Bless You

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Pretty Woman

I love that song!

Roy Orbison sang it like no one has been able to since he originally released it in August of 1964... Long time ago, I know. But some things are timeless and that song is one of the great, all-time classics that will never go out of style.

It's part of my playlist. Check it out:

Roy Orbison "Pretty Woman"

As I listened to it the other day, I got to thinking about how far I've come with this muscle disease.

Pretty woman...walkin' down the street,
Pretty woman...the kind I'd like to meet,
Pretty woman...

You know the rest.

He sees an attractive woman and sings about's the stuff of movies, poetry, romance novels and hit songs! Ever wonder how she was feeling that day? Did she feel pretty? Was she confident? Or was it his attention that gave her the courage to turn back around to talk to him?

I know. I know! My imagination runs away with me a lot! It's just a song...

But women with 'equipment' struggle with feeling pretty. At least I did...Quite a bit.

I didn't like the fact that people, in general, would always see my 'equipment' before they ever saw me. And my equipment isn't pretty. In fact, it's pretty utilitarian. My walker preceded me everywhere I went. My wheelchair makes me short and different from other people.
I stand out.

And I don't like standing out.

People stare.

And I don't like that either.

But the staring isn't something unique to me. It's the equipment. It goes with the territory.

So for awhile, I was very self-conscious when I went out in public. Awkward. Clumsy. Nervous.

I refused to make eye contact with anyone. I didn't want to see who was staring. I felt a lot less than attractive.

I did not give up going out in public, however.
Which is important.
Slowly, I began to get my confidence back. It helped as I became more proficient with my equipment.  I learned the ins and outs of the rolling lifestyle. I adapted.

There came a time when I began making eye contact again. I talked to people. They talked to me.
"This is great!" I recall thinking at Starbucks one day. A sense of deep accomplishment welled up in me.
"I can do this!"

Sometimes I'll still scan the room just to see how many staring eyes are on me. It still impacts me, though not as much. Depending on my mood, I'll ignore them or I'll wave and say, 'Good morning!" That usually throws them into a quick panic. No one knows where to look! Usually it's down...

I even feel attractive again.

It didn't come from anyone else.

It came from accepting myself the way I am.
Which brought confidence.
Which has drawn people to me.
Which has opened up new doors for me.

People say that I look perfectly "normal" when I'm sitting in a chair! And that they'd never know there was anything wrong with me!

I just laugh.

This is perfectly normal...For me.

Stay attractive friends xx

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Excuse Me Officer, But...

Ever been to some big event you couldn't wait to attend but couldn't find a place to park?

Think about it.

A concert maybe. Like the Rolling Stones?!  A hockey game. The Super Bowl?? Probably not. Even the biggest events provide parking for long as you can walk long distances. But what if you can't? Ever thought about what that would be like?

The past 2 weekends I've been fortunate enough to go to some really awesome places where a lot of people were gathered together for the sole purpose of having fun!

The first was the Warrior Dash in North Georgia...technically it was the "greater Atlanta" area, but the actual event was held in the remotest part of the United States I have seen in awhile,  known as "North Georgia." I remember mud, dirt roads, trees and red clay... Interesting place to visit and some memorable locals to tell you about for sure....Hmmmmmmmm.
I could 'camp' here awhile (no pun intended-I do not camp!) but then I'd forget my purpose for writing this article. You see, I'm not really what you'd call a country girl...

Anyway, the next event was held in West Palm Beach at the South Florida Fairgrounds. 
Ahhhh, home. (Well, close enough)
This, I thought, would be different. It was the site of the Barrett Jackson collectible car auction. I've been watching my favorite muscle cars, woodies from California and T-birds roll across the auction floor for years... and always wanted to attend one. It was sort of on my 'bucket list.' I finally had my chance. 
It didn't disappoint. 

The atmosphere is like a party where everyone gathers to fawn over one of America's biggest obsessions--the automobile. I loved every minute of it! 

The thing is, greater West Palm is not the country! I'm sure you can imagine. It's a metropolitan area that is, for all intents and purposes, part of the even greater Miami metropolitan area! 
Big, right? 
City-like, except with beautiful blue skies, turquoise oceans, sea gulls, pelicans, tourists, white-sand beaches and palm trees. Progressive, too. Not all back woods

So here I am...with thousands of people attending these 2 events with people from surrounding cities and states.

But you want to know something?

There was NO place for me to park at EITHER event. NO ADA parking set aside AT ALL for the Warrior Dash.
None. Nada. Zip.

And very limited ADA parking at the Barrett Jackson Auction at the South Florida Fairgrounds, for goodness sake!
Unbelievably, Barrett Jackson had given away a bunch of the parking lot to Dodge for a special tailgate party they were having...including a lot of blue tag specials. Too bad I wasn't invited. I love a good party and I could've given a little presentation about ADA laws...

Instead, I got antsy.

'How many parking cheaters do we have here today?' I wondered. I got more and more frustrated. (This tends to happen when I'm trying to park and there are no blue spaces left!) It doesn't matter  where I go there are drivers using our parking spaces. Drivers who are able-bodied and who don't really need them. They don't have equipment. They aren't loading or unloading anything! In fact, many of them are running in and out of the buildings they're visiting.

'Alright, Ann. Remain calm.'

Here I am. 2 really cool events. Worlds apart...with the same problem. Why is this still happening? It's 2015!

What is ADA parking anyway? Ever heard of the Americans with Disabilities Act? It's a very comprehensive law passed in 1990!!
Among other things, that law is supposed to ensure that there is plenty of parking for rollers. People  like me, who use equipment. Unfortunately, not every event or business is in compliance with this

'But I had a wheelchair and I HAD to have an ADA space!

'Excuse me officer, but could you help me with a parking space for a wheelchair user?' (That would be me)  There doesn't  seem to be any left.'
I was wasting my breath.
I actually thought that explaining the situation and also pleading with the police and parking lot attendants would help me prevail! I was dead wrong.
They aggressively waved me on and shouted for me to "keep moving!"
Every time.
At both events!


Listen, I had a great time both days, don't get me wrong, but it's surely not too much to ask for a place to park my van so I can get my chair out, is it?

We can do better than this. We have to.
People with equipment are the number one growing segment of society! Not just in the United States either--In the world!

I'm not picking on Barrett Jackson OR Warrior Dash. OR the venues, necessarily...OR even the Rabun County Sheriffs, in North Georgia, or the Palm Beach County Sheriff's deputies, in South Florida.
It is worth a mention here that both police departments were completely unhelpful and overwhelmingly disinterested, however.

Look, I know lobbyists and politicians say they have our backs, but I think there's something else to consider. Like, maybe it's about the bigger picture.
Everyone has a part to play.
Even you.

Maybe you're one of those who think there are too many "handicapped" parking spaces. Think again. Or maybe you're a parking cheater and you have a blue tag even though you don't really need one. OR you borrow your grandmother's tag because you hate walking very far to get your groceries...
I hope not, but if so...
Shame on you. Don't break the law so you can get one over on the wheelchair users! Use your heads and your hearts. After all, you or someone you love could be one of us one day...

Peace my friends xx