Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A teachable spirit will keep you growing in every area of your life. A know-it-all knows everything he will ever know.

Forsaken by God?

"Forsaken by God" Eloi, Eloi! Aramaic-"My strong God, My strong God, why have You abandoned, forsaken, stopped talking to Me?" King David-Ps. 22:1, Note Ps. 23 when David declares that the LORD is his shepherd! Ps. 10:1, Ps. 44:24-26 David often felt depressed & abandoned by God. He was a devout believer in God, clung to Him & was loyal to Him, but vented regularly his feelings to God. Job-a "righteous man," railed against God (felt abandoned by Him) but those were not His last words! "I know that my Redeemer lives!" Jesus clung to God w/both hands, crying out to the heavens, shouting His despair. My God, My God, with both hands grabbing God, asking Where are You??! Why aren't you here?? We are to cling to God in the same way during our darkest days. When you are hurting the most, cry out to God with the feelings deepest in your heart. Jesus did. David did. Job did too. Often  when tragedy strikes, we feel a silent abandonment by God. It's ok to feel that way. David did. Jesus did. Job did.

Monday, August 12, 2013

I Did It

Today I ventured out to a doctors appointment for the first time alone with my wheel chair. It was a successful trip. I'm so grateful for this new sense of freedom and independence. All thanks to my new van with the automatic doors and huge capacity to carry my walker and my wheel chair! I chose the Honda Odyssey and it rocks! I love that van! I feel so blessed. It took a lot to get to this point but it's worth it now. I can go wherever I want. Without fear.