Today we are going to be active. You don't have to like it, but we are.
Why? Because I said so, that's why.
(They're a lot like children)
It's really that simple.
You may not fight everyday to overcome muscle disease (or maybe you do)...but you probably struggle with motivation when it comes to eating right and squeezing some activity in to your day. I know. I know. I'm one of the 'weird' ones because that was never a problem for me, but I've worked with a lot of people who find it very challenging.
I can honestly tell you that, as their trainer, they needed me, and it's nice to be needed. I love making a difference in people's lives. So I helped them find activities that they enjoyed doing. That's the key. A little training goes a long way to give you the body you need for having fun your whole life! Fun. If you like what you're doing, you'll keep doing it. Right? If it's drudgery, no one would keep at it.
Jerry loved golf, but as he aged, it was getting tougher for him, so we worked on endurance. His upper body needed some fine-tuning so I helped him with strengthening his shoulders and core. His golf game improved. He felt better. And of course, his fun meter was off the charts. He ended up being my biggest fan!
I've been blessed to have some very determined clients who succeeded in reaching their weight-loss goals and going beyond where they thought they could go. Over achievers. That's a fun thing to be a part of. Eventually I got to see them do things like run 5k races, run marathons, participate in triathlons and warrior type challenges and get off their Lipitor and blood pressure meds! I'll take that every time! Mostly, they were enjoying the fact that they were just living again.
Take you for example. How much fun is your life? Are you getting in any playtime? You know you have to take better care of yourself. So why aren't you? Waaait. Don't.
No excuses here. After all, I've already heard them all. And I am in a position to ask you who has the bigger disability... Me? Or you? Gotcha. Sorry.
Switch gears. Let's talk about me.
By now you know that I truly believed my diagnosis meant the end of something I love... my active way of life. You also know that wasn't true!
The Nu-Step
As I am writing, I have just finished my workout for the day.
I spent 16 minutes on the NuStep for cardio.
Completed one set of 14 rows,
-12 chest presses
-and 20 leg presses, all on the Pilates Reformer.
The Pilates Reformer
In addition, I used the Bosú for abs and back (So awesome!) Everyone should have a Bosú! The parallel bars came in handy for balance training, which, if you've ever seen me walk, you know I need this one!
All of this took about 40 minutes and I was on my way.
I don't live to work out. (Anymore) Lol! Usually you can find me at the beach, having lunch with a friend, shooting at the gun range, writing at Starbucks, paddle boarding, swimming in the pool, attending board meetings or volunteering at the hospital.
'Who really cares?' you ask. 'Where are you going with this?'
You'll see... I'm going to pry a little.
What excuses have you been selling yourself that keep you from experiencing more of your life...from using your body so you actually hear your own heart beating.
Or my favorite,
...knowing you've just used your mind, spirit and all of the muscles in your body to their fullest potential to accomplish something you've never done before! It's fun! If you don't know that feeling, well, you've missed quite a rush. A rush that can be repeated as often as you like!
Let me pause. Did you notice how I emphasized YOU and YOUR life? It is you know--your one and
only, God-given life. I hope you're getting the most out of it by putting the most into it.
Like fuel. You have to give yourself something to run on...foods that build strength and wellness, and don't tear you down. It's just a choice. Re-program those dormant taste buds of yours so they crave the good stuff! Blueberries, whole grains, salmon, tuna, melon, almonds, walnuts.. You've heard of them.
It takes practice. So keep practicing. Now get to grocery store.
It all matters my friends. The big picture. The whole enchilada.
Look around. Are things the way you want them? Look at yourself. Are you the way you want you?
If not, who's to blame? I'll give you a hint. You're reading this article.
I'm determined to milk this ride for all its worth...something I got from my mom...well, my mom and my dad, but my mother is a never-ending, bundle of energy, who is always ready to go and do! As a kid, I don't ever remember her sitting down!
It's up to you. Who's holding you back?
Oh sure, other people will give you a pass, but they're haters. You don't see it that way. You think they're being nice, but they aren't. They're what we call enablers. They hate the idea of you getting fit and getting your life in order. It puts pressure on them. It makes them uncomfortable and accountable for their own lives.
So which is it?
Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease, Cerebral Palsy, Cancer, Anorexia, Bulimia, Anxiety, Depression, Obesity? ..Apathy?
Which one of these do you think is holding you back?
This is a sampling of the maladies my clients have fought through while they were training with me and continuing to live their lives with fun and passion. Personally, I battle 3 of them, which is why I hate excuses.
Everyone has something.
Yes, everyone.
And yes, they're as bad off as you. Or worse.
Now get up off the couch and move it!
Here's to living my friends! x

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