Little Jimmy Page
Born: December 11, 2013
My Coton De Tulear Puppy

I asked God what He'd like me to write about. As I waited for a few minutes, I checked my Twitter feed...something I'm accustomed to doing fairly often! Then I ventured onto the porch to enjoy my coffee while talking on the phone. I don't wait quietly. I know church people say you're supposed to wait this way or that way after you ask something of God, but I'm just not inclined to keep myself quiet for very long! Besides, lots of people in the Bible asked things of God and they didn't all wait
the same way. It's ok if I say that to you. He already knows this stuff about me. I believe He's the one
who wired me this way.
So, on to Jimmy Page...What images are crossing your mind right now!?! ...A colorful, energetic rock star, right? A masterful musician with lots of hair? A musical genius? Maybe a brilliant guitarist, with a bow who stroked and plucked his Les Paul like the greatest violin virtuoso the world has ever seen! He's intelligent, larger than life and he creates energy and electricity everywhere he goes! This guy is a BIG deal in the world of rock and roll!
The other Jimmy Page new puppy; the darling, entertaining and very LITTLE Coton de Tulear. What on earth do these two Jimmys have to do with each other? And why am I writing to you about them? Funny, I know! Look, it's not deep or philosophical or spiritual. I just happen to be a fan of the musician whose name evokes a reaction. His music does too! A fist pump, maybe. Air guitar, anyone? Head banging? Shoulders rockin'? Absolutely!
Well, my LITTLE puppy evokes excitement like this from me! He is not famous or a BIG deal to anyone but me. But he's about to join me in the day-to-day business of living my life. Fist pumps? Oh ya! High fives? You bet! Clapping? Absolutely!! With lots of smiles and laughter on the side! (I behaved the same way when I got to see the other Jimmy Page and Robert Plant perform together, by the way!) That was a BIG event for me!
But BIG events are not the hallmark of my life. I have always been about the LITTLE things. And God has seen fit to bless my life with lots of everyday, ordinary things to on the porch, a walk with the dog, a nap with my cats, lunch with a good friend or taking selfies with my kids. You can see that I've indulged myself with LITTLE things that speak life to me, minute by minute. And my pets are a BIG part of that! I'm thankful, because this is the stuff that makes life rich. More recently, God has used my illness to teach me to linger in these moments whenever I'm tempted to try and jump ahead a little bit. And that's ok! Lingering is not a bad thing. I'm learning...
None of us knows whether we'll be able to follow through on whatever plans we've made for
tomorrow, no matter what we like to think. I hope that doesn't sound harsh. If so, take it as a call to start enjoying the little moments that make up your everyday life. Today! This day. This very day. Slow, yield, stop, think, remember, meditate, memorize, touch, feel, caress, smell, taste, savor, listen, hear, meditate, linger, watch, see and remember. And
You can bet I will be moving forward, slowly, one hour at a time, with LITTLE Jimmy by my side, and maybe some "Stairway to Heaven" in the background, as he adds joy to my already joyful life! Thanks for reading. xx
P.S. I am reminded of something I read in the Bible from Jesus' half-brother, James. He brings home the point I'm trying to get across:
"Look here, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we're going to a certain town and will stay there a
year. We will do business and make a profit."
How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow?
Your life is like the morning fog--it's here a little while and it's gone.
What you ought to say is, "If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that." Otherwise you
are boasting about your own plans and all such boasting is evil."